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Day 24-100 Day Challenge

Rainy Day

We had another rainy, stormy day today. I love keeping the back door open to listen to it. After it stopped I went out back to check things out. It looked like at some point there had been a river running through my back yard. I’ll have to keep an eye out for that next time it rains.

The Work

Work has continued to be busy. I’ve been planning a retreat that will happen on Saturday. Lots of planning and calls associated with that. And today, I also had to prepare for my anti-racist organizer training that went from 6:00-9:00. I feel tired, but good now. We’re talking about patriarchy in the training right now. I’m still processing a lot of it, and I’m so grateful to be expanding my knowledge and experiences with this training. I do think it’s helping me be a better organizer and a better human being.

My Wish

Wishing everyone joy, love, and the ability to come from a place of love in all of our interactions with those we come in contact with.

2 thoughts on “Day 24-100 Day Challenge”

  1. One element of anti-racist training is insuring others also know how to be anti-racist. For example, when we do a History Bike Ride, we always describe what conditions were like for people of color. In a recent History of Biking in Tampa Before Cars, we discussed the only Black owned bike shop, his relationship with the white power structure, and the segregation of the League of American Wheelmen. Every discussion of current and past events should discuss the relative impact on people of color.

    1. Yes! I so wish I’d learned a holistic history growing up. It is a disservice to everyone to have missed out on the rich contributions to our country by black folks and people of color, and the rich indigenous cultures our colonizing forefathers have worked so hard to erase!

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