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Growing Love

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I can be a bit curmudgeonly. And yet, at the core, I’m a big softy. I believe in love. I believe that we are one big human family.

The curmudgeon part comes from the dark in the world. Both the dark I’ve experienced in my life. And also local and world affairs. The bombing in Gaza has been going on for 100+ days at this point, funded by my country’s government. Genocides are happening in multiple countries across the world. As a planet, we could afford to house and feed everyone, but greedy corporations filling the wallets of elected officials make it so we burn our planetary house down while neither feeding nor housing its human inhabitants. And, of course, keeping that war machine burning…

If you’re reading this and thinking, “You know, Christy? I really can’t read more about the bad stuff. I came here ready to see pictures of cool art and read about it. I’m out.”

Before you go, this post is about that too. I work for an organization that fights for social justice. And doing that as full-time work is an honor. Absolutely. But it can also be a bit of a curse, being immersed in the bad stuff a lot. That’s where the art comes in. More often than I would have expected, art is a life raft for me. A way to reconnect with the inner-softy in me.

And that’s what this piece is. Two pieces, really, since it’s a diptych. But they are meant to go together. It’s a reminder that Mother Earth is always growing love and sharing it with the world. And there are so many ways She shows us: through the birds. flowers, leaves…

Growing Love. Each panel is 5×7″ mixed media, collage on watercolor paper.

How does this diptych make you feel? What stands out to you?

2 thoughts on “Growing Love”

    1. Thanks, Grant! Could make a great gift for someone. Or you could rotate art: some in storage while others are on the wall!! The possibilities are limitless!! 😉

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