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My accident was exactly a week ago. Three blocks from home, a woman ran a red light right into my little Toyota Yaris, coming about 4 inches from hitting me (personally).Read More »Overwhelmed

Single in Times of Trauma

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Mostly I like my single life. I like being able to go where I want without having to check in with anyone. I like not having arguments about not doing the dishes or not vacuuming. I like being a hermit when I want to be one.

But there are things about being single that are hard too.Read More »Single in Times of Trauma

Being Your True Self

As I get older and get more practice being me, I feel more comfortable in my own skin. Thank goodness! I spend such a long time carrying a sumo-suit of anger, resentment, hurt feelings, and probably more. I’ve been on the journey for over 10 years to let that go.

Read More »Being Your True Self

When a Plan Comes Together

Man, I loved the A-Team when I was a kid. It was a cool show. But one of the quotes I remember aside from, “I pity the fool,” is “I love it when a plan comes together.

There have been a few things lately that have made my Canada bike trip seem a little more real and like it is going to be Ok and come together in the end.Read More »When a Plan Comes Together


One of Old Blue’s last rides before finishing the new bike.

The Buddhists say you should let go of your expectations. That it’s Ok to have them, but not to cling to them. I got an excellent lesson in that today.Read More »Imperfect

Take Care of Yourself

The tree and mistletoe are up. I’ve bought gifts for work-related holiday festivities. But I didn’t send out holiday cards this year. I haven’t bought or made gifts for my nearest and dearest. 

This year it’s felt like too much…Read More »Take Care of Yourself