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Thanksgiving Thoughts

It’s been nearly two weeks since I last posted. I’ve definitely been in a slump. The Florida elections made it even worse.

This time of year is specifically reserved for thanksgiving, and I was having a hard time of thinking of things.Read More »Thanksgiving Thoughts

Healing Like an Athlete

I had a follow-up with the doctor on Tuesday. He said my X-rays were normal. Nothing to worry about there. He said it’s too early to tell if I have any permanent damage though. That I have another month or two of physical therapy until I’ll really be able to tell.

Not quite what I wanted to hear.Read More »Healing Like an Athlete

Work in Progress

I’ve been going to a lot of doctors recently. Nearly every doctor makes you step on a scale, no matter what you are there for. The last scale I stepped on had me at 165 lbs. That’s about 20 lbs over my healthy weight by most standards. I feel it in my face, and I see it in pictures.

Time to get back on the health horse.Read More »Work in Progress

Forced Reflection

It’s been a little over two weeks since the car accident. To most peoples’ eyes, it’s done. Over with. I have a new-to-me car. I’m walking and talking. I’m at work most of the time.

To me, two weeks out, it feels like the accident is never going to be behind me.Read More »Forced Reflection

Intense Week

I should concentrate on the moment. Take each thing one step at a time. But I can’t help but feel anxious about the upcoming week. I worry it’s going to be a repeat of last week. Too much to do, coupled with exhaustion.Read More »Intense Week


My accident was exactly a week ago. Three blocks from home, a woman ran a red light right into my little Toyota Yaris, coming about 4 inches from hitting me (personally).Read More »Overwhelmed

Moving On

I went and picked up all of the stuff that was in the Yaris. CDs, license plate, faculty hang tag, protest poster. Probably the last time I’ll ever see that car. Perhaps stupid, but I cried.Read More »Moving On